Our expertise
The training of communicators (seminars, individual sessions, online courses)
- Spokespersons; executives; managers; heads of communication offices; elected representatives of all levels of government - we give them the best possible tools to face the media and the public in full confidence. Then we help them with realistic exercises that develop the practical skills and experience they need to perform at the highest level of their competency.
- We train staff in pro-active media relations (i.e. promoting to the media, the public or different target audiences, the organization it represents, or its programs, projects and achievements).
- We train communications personnel in risk and crisis communication (i.e. communication in a context where there is a risk for the health or the well-being of the population and/or where there is a risk that their public image could be damaged).
Also: One-off preparation sessions on the eve of a press conference or any performance whatsoever in front of the media or various target audiences - interviews, speeches, etc.
Our training strategy
Help our clients understand the mechanisms of communication in normal times or in times of crisis; the psychology and the way audiences react; what journalists are looking for when they collect their information.
Prepare them to deliver this information in the ideal format to capture the public interest and reinforce in them the idea that they are in control of the situation whenever there is a crisis. Then the communication will go directly from the spokesperson to the public without alteration by the media.
- Explain the characteristics of media communication, the way different media work, the needs of the journalist and the inherent communication principles at work.
- Teach the techniques to organize the information, to write key messages, the rules that must be respected when dealing with the media, radio and television/video interview techniques, pro-active media relations principles and the golden rules of risk and crisis communication.
- Practice what they have learned by preparing key messages, press releases etc., doing realistic radio and television interviews that deal with subjects from their own work, and preparing communication strategies and plans.
Each session begins (upstream) with an assessment of the knowledge and experience of each participant and the establishment of specific training objectives.