Principles of media communication
- The importance of respecting internal media communications policies;
- How to make the best of your strengths and improve your weaknesses;
- Written versus oral communication;
- Understanding different audiences;
- Form versus content;
- Non-verbal communication;
- Importance of image;
- Credibility;
- Simplifying complex information.
(Theory - discussion - exercises)
Knowledge of the media
- What is news - the function, characteristics and specific needs of different types of media: newspapers, magazines, radio, television, specialty media, and Internet;
- the particular needs and constraints of journalists;
- how news directors and editors choose the stories they broadcast;
- the different types of audiences.
(Presentation of video on how journalists work - theory and discussion)
Message preparation
- Defining communication objectives;
- Typical content of a good communication message;
- Choice and limits of the information you want to deliver;
- Hierarchy of information;
- Writing key messages, press releases etc. adapted to the specific needs of the audience and the media.
(Theory and exercises - organizing information, the development of key messages, oral communication - discussion)